Brad & Kelly's Pickled Eggs

(A Work In Progress)


1 gallon glass jar
2 dozen hard boiled eggs (peeled if you like them that way better)
4 cups white vinegar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 jar ( 15 oz ?) sliced HOT jalepenos (juice and all)
1/2 jar (about 6 oz.) HOT chili peppers (juice and all)
1 medium size onion (chopped, not too fine though)
3 tbl HOT habenero tabasco sauce
2 tbl salt
1 tbl onion salt
1 tbl garlic salt
1 tbl crushed red pepper
1 tbl ginger
1 tbl crushed garlic (2 cloves)

note: getting exact amounts is not necessary. just put some of everything in!!!


Bring all ingredients (except eggs) to a boil. Boil for 10 or 15 minutes. While brine is boiling enjoy the smell (and a beer). Put eggs in jar. Pour brine over eggs. Put in fridge for 5 to 7 days. Serve eggs in cup cake papers with a slices of the jalepeno and onion from the brine and tabasco sauce. Don't forget the cheap beer.

Page last updated on September 3, 1998